Monday, July 21, 2008

Erlang reimplemented

For several years I was tinkering with various tools and languages trying to find the best mix for the software I was interested in (peer-to-peer). Many times such quest ends up with a desire to write your own programming language. The resultant ugly duckling was a strange cross between C and IDL. And it was a dead end.

The light at the end of tunnel was Joe Armstrong's paper describing exactly the problems I was fighting with and his elegant solution - Erlang. I started to learn the language by taking the wrong path again - by reimplementing it.

A handful of major versions and a year and a half later to my surprise I created a usable Erlang-based system. It starts, it runs, it even compiles itself.

The implementation is based on a simple stack-based virtual machine and, most probably, suboptimal especially when compared to OTP. But it is very portable and it is small. I call it X Erlang.

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